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Writer's pictureTanay Raje

O Yaara

O Yaara

The song is an amazing piece of poetry in itself. if you listen to the entire song, it starts off with a young boy voicing out his own worries and insecurities. Either to himself or to someone but the intimacy of his thoughts suggest they're conversations within. 

इन सवालों मैं कब से यूँ फसा हुन

His path has become uncertain and weary. His vision is fading from his goal and he's lost from the world. A young boy with his young worries, an age old story. He dwells into the complexities of inner thoughts with the idea of truth being elusive. 

टुकरे कांच क बिखरे ज़मीन पर

चलना चहुँ पर, चाहया है हर क़दम

ये धु’ान, है साँस लेना सजा

The young boy in the bomber jacket and jeans sits on the steps of despair, losing himself to his slow torment of the questions that life did not answer. His thoughts slowly turn tempos and a slight change in the music can be sensed. The notes become fuller and the music becomes much more certain, a wholeness is crept into the chords played by each instrument along with the addition of a few more classical ones. A sharply dress man in a black suit with folded sleeves leans forward. The music reaches out to him along with the boy's thoughts almost with prayer hands in front of him

अंदर तेरे राज़ कई हैं

His voice echoed along with a beautiful alap. A heavy soothing voice with a sense of stability and strength in it. The syllables have the same certainty as his words. The heavy rusk in his voice softens your heart and brings you calm. You're ready to listen, ready to understand. It's almost the voice of divine gracing down to your meditation, the enlightenment speaking to your persistence, I imagine that is the voice Lord Krishna would have explained the Bhagwad Gita to Arjun in, whose story lies similar to this during his own troubles. Jaffar Zaidi's beautiful voice brings meaning to his words the way no one could have and we're all ready to bow down the the words of wisdom bestowed upon our prayers

न चोरः आस की डोर को

सच तू समझ जायेगा

His words do not give you an answer to the problems, it's not a solution or a formula to quick success. It's advice from an elder, an elder that's been through these similar waters. He tells him to continue his journey towards self discovery, to continue his path of troubles and uncover hidden secrets of one's identity. The path with the most obstacles is the path that's right. Don't lets the complexities make you lose hope. Hope is the key to everything. Without hope, lies nothing. Humanity lives on hope and that same hope will be the answer to his questions. The questions that will eventually become clear leading to personal growth and stability.

ओ यारा

फिर तू संभल जायेगा

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